Pick Up Girls: Master The Art Of Seduction

If you want to become a master of “the game” so to speak and pick up girls, anytime, anywhere, you need to learn some few tricks or two when it comes to female psychology. I cannot stress the fact that you need to know this knowledge off by heart and not just “wing it”.

There’s a good reason why you’re reading this article. I think that reason is that you’re not one of those natural guys that have no problems meeting, seducing and attracting the women that they actually want. So if that sounds like you, then you’re going to have to put in extra hard yards and learn what it truly takes to get girls attracted to you.

But let me tell you something. Reading books and watching videos about dating and seduction is actually the easy part. That’s the thing that any one can do as long as they have some spare time.

You need to actually take action and apply the concepts that you learn in the real world.

Yup, there is no magic pill that will magically get girls in bed with you.

Learning about attracting the opposite sex is an art and you need experience to be able to pull it off. Reading about it just isn’t going to cut it.

The men who are already good at this game have practiced the art of picking up girls by constantly getting rejected time and time again until they have figured out when to say the exact words to get the kind of response that they want.

When you understand the theory required on how to pickup girls, what you need to do next is to put it into action or practice that knowledge and see if it works for you.

This process is not going to be smooth at first and I guarantee you that rejection will come like a waterfall gushing down a stream. You’re going to get rejected so much at the start it’s not going to be funny.

Work on your inner game

To help you improve your confidence and inner game, you can boost your confidence by thinking, whenever you talk to a girl, that they you are just giving them a favor.

How often do they get to talk to such a cool and charming person like youreslf?

Not that often!

So even if you do get rejected, you just need to know that you’re doing them a favour and it’s their loss for not wanting to learn more about you. Plus at the same time, you’re adding layers of valuable experience to your pick up knowledge and in the future you’re going to know what to NOT do to get the same result.

Don’t hesitate

When you try to pick up girls, you must have the confidence to approach them. Do not hesitate, the more you wait, the bigger the issue will in your mind and the less likely you’re going to be smooth. That is where you break the ice, so approach and do it quickly.

You need to know that you don’t need to ask for her permission to talk to her, just feel free to do so. Don’t start off the conversation with something that shows you’re not on the same status level with “excuse me, but could I ask you a question”. This just makes you sound weak and unsure of yourself. What if she outright says “no” and walks away?

You need to just go in and deliver what you wanted to say without giving a damn what the result might be.

Have a plan

When you plan your approach, you also have to think about what you’re going to say NEXT after you open her up for conversation. I mean anyone can open up a conversation, but it takes real skill and conversational art to be able to keep it going. When you start a conversation, think about a good opener; avoid getting tongue-tied. Use some interesting openers that you think she will respond with enthusiasm. But remember, in the back of your mind, sometimes even if you have the best pickup lines, shit happens and you’ll get rejected.

You also need to think about how you’re going to build rapport, get her interested and invested in the conversation, but at the same time want to give you her contact details within the first interaction.

It sounds very complicated and I must admit it is.

That’s why I encourage you to read other articles on this site that will help you pick up girls so you’ll become a master at it. Why don’t you check out:

These articles will really help you understand what you need to know about opening and closing an interaction within the first 30 seconds.

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