PUA Openers That Work

If you’re looking for the best PUA openers then you’re in luck. I have spent a lot of time learning and reading about the topic of dating and seduction and have also field test many of these routines myself.

Yes, I have been rejected and made fun of by women, but hey I’m here writing articles about this topic now, so that means I learned a lot from the process. If you’re heard of openers and routines from other places and wondering if they actually do work. Let me tell you something.

Yes, they DO work.

But, not for everyone.

Why? Think about it like this. If I gave you the recipe and instructions to bake a cake, is the cake that you’re going to make going to be identical to mine? I have no idea what you do during the baking process is going to be exactly the same as mine. So this means sure, in theory you have taken the steps, but in reality I cannot be sure. Furthermore, we’re in different environments and locations so what might work great for me might totally suck for you.

Having said that though, overall, using a routine and opener that someone else has tested already will give you GREAT results.


Because at least someone has tried them before you.

So let’s talk about PUA openers.

Not only am I going to tell you what makes up a good PUA opener, but I’m going to give you step by step actual examples of what to say in order to really open up a conversation with a woman you’re interested in.

You just have to understand there is no universal “best pickup line” apart from being confident, smiling and then saying “HI!”.

But if you were that confident, then chances are you wouldn’t be online reading this article.

The elements of a good pickup line involves much more than just a single line. What it should do is allow you to segment the conversation into other interesting topics naturally so you don’t look like you’re there to collect her number.

The best pickup lines should:

create rapport between you and the girl
make you stand out
make her like you at the same time
make her want to give her contact details to you

Remember, if you can’t hit all 4 of these elements together with your pickup line or opener then your chances of success will be dramatically decrease.

One more thing to remember is that regardless of how good the line or routine that you use is, the way you DELIVER it is more important than anything.

This is why some comedians are funny, no matter what the joke is and when you try the same joke, you just come across as being lame.

The secret is in the way you DELIVER it.

Here are 3 pickup lines or stories that I have found to be useful.

Each of them hit the 4 points that I mentioned earlier and they should give you a good idea on what to do when you make your own.

Are you shy?

“Are you girls timid and shy? I’ve been sitting here like almost a day chatting with my buddy and you still haven’t said hello to me, that’s why I’m here to say HI”

This one works if you’re able to deliver it with confidence and a BIG smile.

The Bank Robber Story

You: Hi girls, I need you to do a favour for us. Me and my friends are going to rob a bank, but our driver suddenly ditched us. So we’re getting desperate. If you come and help us out, we’ll give you 5% of the profits.

The reason this one works because you’re coming off as being super playful immediately. Often the girl will start to bargain and complain that 5% is not enough. If she does that then you’re in!

Go for a Blind Date

You: Hi girls, I need your advice real quick. My friend is going to go on a blind date this weekend and he doesn’t know what to do. He thinks my advice is horrible and wants the opinion of yours, but he’s too shy to talk to you girls.

This one works because you come off as being totally clueless and not threatening at all. After the conversation and interaction you can thank the girls for being so nice and ask for their numbers so that you can get more dating tips.

However, after that you can just tell them that your friend’s date went horribly wrong and make fun of the opinions they gave you.

So remember, the best pick up lines or PUA openers do not involve a single line, but rather it sets you up for a fully fledged conversation where you’re able to talk to the girl and get her to actually want you to give you her number!

So what are you waiting for?

Go out and get some numbers today!

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