How To Talk To Girls On A Date

Do you want to know how to talk to girls on a date?

For some reason, we always think of “getting a date” as the goal, but we fail to realize that once you are on a date you really need something interesting to talk about, otherwise you’re going to end up FAILING on the date.

Let’s face it.

Sometimes, preparing for a date can be really stressful, mentally and physically especially when you’re dating a girl you consider as super duper hot.

So you finally got around to shaving off that scruffy beard you’ve had for the past few days. You looked through your closet to find something that’s not too daggy and you’ve found a great shirt that will make you look cool and sophisticated.

You’ve spent some time on making your appearance as good as you can, but then suddenly you realize something.

You suck at conversations!

The last few dates you’ve been on were all massive failures because you said stupid things or had topics that were so boring she’d rather call up her friends and chat to them – whilst you were just sitting there quietly eat your meal.

That’s ok buddy.

I know where you’re coming from.

I’ve failed a few times on dates, so I know exactly how to get around those awkward moments.

The key to talking to girls on dates is a mixture of humour that involves sarcasm and wit about topics that she finds interesting and engaging.

Mix sarcasm and with together when charming girls

Let’s look at sarcasm and wit when talking to a girl.

Why does it work?

It works because you’re able to show that you’re both intelligent and funny at the same time. This further demonstrates that you’re a man of high value and that you’re relaxed being around her. This is extremely sexy as it shows that you’re a man who exudes confidence and is not a chump who’s too shy to talk to her.

Sarcasm is great, because it lets you figure out what kind of girl she is. If she’s got good sense of humour she’ll be able to pick up that you’re being sarcastic. Also, to understand your sarcasm she needs some sort of intelligence, otherwise she’s going to take what you say literally – which gives you more material to make fun of her about.

Using wit is a great way to display your charm and charisma. Making comments in a manner that is direct yet indirect creates a kind of feeling that erupts inside of her and is often translated into laughter. One thing I like to do a lot is to deliberately misinterpret what she has to say to become a compliment about me. Here’s what I mean:

Her: I hate it when guys think that all girls care about are looks.

You: Thank you for noticing, you’re the first girl who was so direct about my good looks.

As you can see, as soon as she mentions something about looks, regardless about who it is, you can always say something like “thanks, but please don’t be so direct, I’ll be shy”.

Other examples include:

Her: my friend Cindy is so pretty.

You: my name is not Cindy, and most girls call me cute.

That’s a great way to display your super confident and you are showing sarcasm and wit at the same time. That is the trick to learning how to talk to girls on a date.

The other factor that’s important revolves around what you actually talk about.

What should you talk about?

To make sure that you DO NOT end up in the friends zone I would advise that you immediately talk about relationships and dating. In particular you want to find out:

what kind of men she likes
how many people she’s dated in the past
why she dated those people
what she finds attractive in men in general
what she hates about men when they try to pick her up
So instead of blatantly asking her these questions, I have a great way to get her talking about her love life without making you sound like a weirdo. I like to ask:

“tell me about the worst/funniest pickup experience you’ve been in”

The reason why I like to ask this question is because:

it gives me a chance to make fun of the guys who have failed with her (thus immediately giving me an opening to create an inside joke that only me and her understand because I’ll be giving that loser guy a nick name that only we would understand)
she’ll immediately open up and won’t be afraid to tell me what happened because she’s going to probably find it funny
we’ll immediately be talking about relationships and love, this allows me to easily segment into other questions like “ohhh… so you said you weren’t into looks! You clearly liked him because he was good looking” and when she denies it you can say “ok, then tell me that 3 things that are important to you when you look for a guy to date”
it creates a funny and interesting atmosphere that is conducive to conversation
As you can see, once you warm up the conversation with that question, you’ll be able to really take the discussion into the “relationship” zone immediately in a way that doesn’t sound desperate. You can then ask her the questions that you really want to find out about her dating life naturally.

The best thing is, if you talk to a girl like this, you’ll NEVER be placed in the friends zone, because let’s face it. Girls don’t divulge that kind of information about their dating lives with men they are not interested sexually.

So there you have it!

That’s how to talk to girls on a date MY way.

I suggest you try it and let me know your results, because it works for me every single time. I’m not joking either. It really does open up the girl to talk to me about anything!

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