Talking To Women Like A Charmer

Do you want to know the secret to talking to women?

Don’t you find it strange sometimes?

Even though men have no problems talking to their friends, they often find it difficult to start a conversation with girls, especially when they are facing a beautiful woman whom they are interested in.

Usually, men are tongue tied when they come face to face with the woman they are attracted and they are often lost for words.

But I hate to tell you this, that awkward silence is a losing you big points on your part, so you have to make sure that you know how to engage a positive and worthwhile conversation if you want to impress her. Below are suggestions on how to talk to a woman and charm her like a player.

Avoid asking close ended questions

During your conversation, avoid asking closed questions. Those that are answerable by either “yes” or “no” are “closed ended questions”.
If you do this you actually make it hard for her to open up and tell you what she really thinks.

Make sure to ask open end question, where she can talk freely about the topics you ask. Open end questions allow her to express her opinions, views and feelings freely.
Some great questions to ask her include:

1. what are her favourite childhood memories

2. who was her first boyfriend as a child

3. what was the most funniest and embarrassing thing she did in order to try and impress a guy

As you can see all these questions give her the chance to keep on talking. You just need to sit there and listen to her response.

Respond properly

Be careful with your response because it can make or break your interaction. Avoid saying things like “that cool” or “that’s nice” because it ends the conversation and requires you to find another question to ask. It also gives her the impression that you really don’t care and you’re killing the vibe. More often than not, men get trapped in the type of interrogation style of conversation. What they start doing is asking her facts about her life that require nothing more than 3 syllables to answer.

For example:

1. where did you study at

2. what’s your favourite subject

3. what are your hobbies

All these are kind of boring and do not engage the girl. What you need to do is arouse her interest by asking her about things that require her to expresses her opinions. Make sure to tell her something interesting based on her answers and make comments that she cares about.

Chicks dig bad boys!

Avoid overly too nice because it will not build attraction for you. In the same instance, do not agree with everything she says just to please her, but freely express your views and opinions. If you are man enough to do this you won’t be seen as a spineless chump. Pepper in humour when you disagree with her, for example: “I’m sorry, I can’t believe you like XYZ, I’m sorry, we just cannot be friends anymore”. That’s funny and pushes her away and she knows it.
Be playful and flirt with her ALL THE TIME. Make sure to keep the conversation light and playful. Do not be afraid to tease and to challenge her playfully. In fact do this as much as you can. If she does something stupid, tease her. If she doesn’t do anything stupid, tease her until she does, then tease her for doing something stupid after. If she asks you to buy her a drink (like an alcoholic one), playfully agree and then get her a glass of water instead and say “oh I thought you wanted water” then just as she starts to get a bit annoyed, switch your cups so you take the water and say “I got you didn’t I, CHILL, I’m just kidding”. Another thing to do is to use pet names to tease her as a way of flirting with her.

Play hard to get!

Avoid showing too much interest when you talk, but build a sense of mystery in her mind. Also say things that mean one thing but do something that shows another. For example you can say “I’m not attracted to women who have long hair normally (when she has long hair) but then again you’re too short”. But then playfully tease her at the same time. By doing so, you will attract her attention and make the atmosphere fun and flirtatious. If possible, reverse the roles and act like you’re the woman that’s being wooed. You can say “you expect me to buy you a drink then sleep with you? I’m not that easy you know”. Even though what you said clearly doesn’t make any sense, it’s amusing nonetheless.

Remember, talking to women like a charmer requires a lot of skill, wit and practice, you’re not going to get it right the first time, so I would advise you start going out with girls you DO NOT like and test your skills with them first.

That way you’ll be prepared when you meet one that you really like.

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