How To Pick Up Girls Like An Alpha Male

Do you want to pick up girls like a guru?

Learn to become the alpha male and you’ll do it naturally.

In the animal kingdom, the alpha male shows courage whenever there is a threat.

He is the one being looked upon for leadership.

He shows strength when there is fear.

He exhibits self-confidence as his main characteristic.

This is very important when it comes to picking up women. Having confidence in anything you do is an advantage especially when we’re talking about dating.

Everyone who was a major success in the history of man kind also showed courage in the face of fear. For example Cesar, Alexander the Great and Napolean also showed confidence and charisma when times were tough – in fact many argue that was the ONLY thing that made them stand out. But boy did they stand out for sure.

Now I’m not telling you go to conquer nations or lead wars, but what I am telling you is that you can use the same principle to help you become unstoppable with women.

Be the alpha male to pick up girls

Being the alpha male, you must exhibit something known as “drive”. You must have ambitions because this will reflect on how you perceive your future will be. By showing that you have a drive for success, this is attractive for everyone – not just girls. If you have supreme confidence and take the initiative in what you do, you really demonstrate that you not only talk the talk but you walk the walk.

So how do you show this in your everyday life?

Instead of just being like the average Joe who commits to something for a day or a week at best, real alpha men stick to something. They do what they say and they hold themselves true to their world.

They make decisions and are never stumped for answers because they solve them.

In the context of pick up and seduction you can do the same by showing the girl that you’re of a higher status than she is.

You just need to constantly tease and make fun of her in a way that shows her that you’re just kidding but at the same time you know you’re “the man” because you have the balls to say things that other guys do not.

You tell her to show up at 8pm, and if she pulls the “I’ll arrive 1 hour late” routine, you simply leave.

You let her know that you’re time is important and that she needs to respect you more than other men.


Because you’re the alpha guy and you have other girls to hang out with if this one plays up with you.

Be confident

An alpha male steps up when there is a need to. Leadership is one of its traits that defines his personality. He is not afraid to show courage when the pack is on a threat. Girls want their man to be their knight in shining armor. They feel safe whenever they are around the alpha male. An example of this in the dating field is to be fearless when you start talking to women who at the start are “bitchy”. The reason for this is simple.

They want to know if you’re just like every other guy who tries to pick them up. That’s why their bitch shield is a filter for them to get rid of the beta men and find their alpha man.

So when you talk to a girl who’s rude at first, let her know that she’s being impolite and don’t beg or be overly apologetic when there is no need.

Sense of humor

Having a sense of humor is like winning half of the battle. It is easy to pick up girls if you are able to demonstrate this characteristic. Girls love to laugh. The best way to make a girl laugh and generate attraction at the same time is just to tease her and give her a nick name that’s kind of cute and lame at the same time. I like to her girls “ditsy” or “doey” as it sounds a bit stupid but the girls know I’m flirting with them.

Using sarcasm is another another easy way to be funny if you’re not the type to be good at telling jokes. Being able to look at a situation and with a straight face say exactly opposite to what you really think often at times cracks women up and gets them attracted to you.

Remember, reading this article about how to pick up girls like an alpha male is your first step. Sure you can read about having drive, confidence and a sense of humour, but you have to go out there and demonstrate it in reality in order to pick up girls.

So go out and take action now.

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