Category: Lawyer Pick Up Lines That Work!
Your body is ‘ultra vires’, it’s beyond my power to control myself around you.
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‘Res ipsa loquitur’, honey. Your hot body speaks for itself!
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When I bring an ejectment action, there’ll be nothing quiet about your enjoyment.
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Let me show you my mens rea.
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I love you beyond a reasonable doubt.
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10 Simple Fool-Proof Steps to Attract Hotter Women
There is no burden of proof for how fine you are.
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I think I’d be liable for negligence if I neglected to come over and talk to you.
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How about coming back to my place for a little actus reus?
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I don’t know if I have standing, but I’d love to court you.
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I’ll teach you about jurisdiction if we change the venue to my place.
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