Category: Maths Pick Up Lines That Work!

You’ve got more curves than a triple integral.Β 
Maths    Nerdy   
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Your beauty cannot be spanned by a finite basis of vectors.Β 
Maths    Nerdy   
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Your name is Leslie? Look, I can spell your name on my calculator!Β 
Maths    Nerdy   
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You must be the square root of two because I feel irrational around you.Β 
Maths    Nerdy   
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You fascinate me more than the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.Β 
Maths    Nerdy   
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You are the solution to my homogeneous system of linear equations.Β 
Maths    Nerdy   
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You and I would add up better than a Riemann sum.Β 
Maths    Nerdy   
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The derivative of my love for you is 0, because my love for you is constant.Β 
Maths    Nerdy   
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Since distance equals velocity times time, let’s let velocity and time approach infinity, because I want to go all the way with you.Β 
Maths    Nerdy   
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My love is like an exponential curve – it’s unboundedΒ 
Maths    Nerdy   
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