Category: Holidays Pick Up Lines That Work!
Meeting you is better than any of the deals I’ve seen on Black Friday!
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I see you waiting in line too. I can help you kill some time.
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I’ve been waiting behind you in line for five hours… Nice ass!
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Come over on Black Friday. We can make love and have left-overs from Thanksgiving dinner. Did I mention my mom is a great cook?
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I’d dig through a $5 DVD bin for your favorite movie on Black Friday just to win your heart.
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10 Simple Fool-Proof Steps to Attract Hotter Women
Careful, don’t run too fast, or you might just trample my heart.
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Are you a store Black Friday flyer? Because you turn me on.
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Baby, you are like a Black Friday deal… worth the wait!
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I would line up outside Walmart for you on Black Friday.
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Are those pants on sale? Because they’re 100% off at my place!
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