Category: Ice Cream, Frozen Yogurt & Dessert Pick Up Lines That Work!

You are like the sprinkles on my ice cream.
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You must be a gelato, because you make ice creams look bad.
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You must be frozen yogurt, because I want to spoon you.
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Hey baby, you wanna share a banana split? Split your legs and let me pop your cherry
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I scream, you scream, we both scream… in bed.
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I want you more then a Hagen-Daas on a hot summer day.
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If you’re Rocky Road, then I would love to pave you.
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I brought you a small spoon, in case you wanted to sample my flavor.
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I love you like how I love my sorbet – juicy.
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Baby, you must’ve just been churned,cause you’re looking so fresh.
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