Category: Back to School Pick Up Lines That Work!

If you were a pencil, I wouldn’t be able to use you to take the SATs, because you’re no number 2, you’re my number 1!
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I wish I was your Calculus homework, because I’d be hard and you’d be doing me on your desk!
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You must be the square root of two because i feel irrational around you.
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Baby, you’re like a student and I’m like a math book… you solve all my problems!
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Didn’t you know that chemists do it periodically on the table?
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I don’t know how I’ll ever get to class on time when it’s so easy to get lost in your eyes.
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I didn’t know angels were allowed in public schools.
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If I were writing an essay on your beauty, I wouldn’t need to double-space or increase the margin sizes to satisfy the minimum page requirement.
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Summer must be over, because I can tell you’re about to Fall for me.
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Your lab bench, or mine?
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